IMAS iLearn
For Investment Management


Sustainability Stewardship DevelopmentNEW

In Collaboration with Singapore Green Finance Centre.

Sustainable Investment ManagementNEW

In Collaboration with Singapore Green Finance Centre.

Best Practice and Ethical Standards in Performance Measures (GIPS)NEW

Applicable For MAS Core CPD requirements.

IMAS - Sustainability, Ethics, Rules & Regulations Bundle

Applicable for MAS Core CPD requirements.

Climate Change Management

In Collaboration with Singapore Green Finance Centre.

Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) in Singapore

Applicable For MAS Core CPD requirements.


Responsible Investment 101: How to get started

In Partnership with ASFI

ASFI Academy: Sustainable finance across Agriculture Forestry Fisheries (AFF) supply chains (asset manager edition)

 In Partnership with ASFI

Anti-Money Laundering, Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) and the Cayman Island Regulatory Regime

Applicable For MAS Core CPD requirements.

Corporate Governance for Fund Managers and the Senior Management Individual Accountability Regime

Applicable For MAS Core CPD requirements.

ASFI Academy Infrastructure Series

In Partnership with ASFI

Introduction to MAS Regulation for Fund Managers

Applicable For MAS Core CPD requirements.


MAS Guidelines and Information Paper on Environmental Risk Management (EnRM) for Asset Managers and MAS Disclosures and Reporting Guidelines for Retail ESG Funds

Applicable For MAS Core CPD requirements.


Guidelines on Liquidity Risk Management Practices for FMCs

Applicable For MAS Core CPD requirements. 



Advertising and Marketing for Retail Fund Management Companies

Applicable For MAS Core CPD requirements. 


Market Abuse in Singapore

Applicable For MAS Core CPD requirements.

Guidelines on Individual Accountability and Conduct

Applicable For MAS Core CPD requirements.

Registration and Compliance Considerations for Variable Capital Companies (VCC)

Applicable For MAS Core CPD requirements.

Ethics in the Financial Industry

Applicable for MAS Core CPD requirements

Strengthening Cyber Resilience Singapore

Applicable for MAS Core CPD Requirements


Guidelines on the Business Continuity Management for Fund Management Companies

Applicable For MAS Core CPD requirements.

Decision-Making Biases and Heuristics Which Contribute to Unethical Behavior

Applicable For MAS Core CPD requirements. 



In Partnership with Neurowyzr

Neuroscience of Leadership for the Financial Services Sector

In Partnership with Neurowyzr

Sustainable Investing in Practice - An Introduction

In Partnership with abrdn Sustainability Institute, APAC. 

IMAS Secretariat
3 Phillip Street
Royal Group Building #07-01
Singapore 048693
Tel: +65 6223 7213
Fax: +65 6223 9352