2009 Budget: Key Corporate Tax Developments Affecting the Investment Management Industry

2009 Budget: Key Corporate Tax Developments Affecting the Investment Management Industry

19 Jul 2009

The 2009 Budget was presented by the Government on 22 January 2009. The announcements in relation to the investment management industry generated considerable excitement, despite the current market downturn. There were two reasons for this – firstly, the announcements provided benefits, which were a direct result of feedback from the industry. Secondly, they were indicative of the government still seeing the investment management industry as one of the pillars of growth for the Singapore economy.

In order to highlight the key corporate tax developments affecting the investment management industry in Singapore in the last few months, we would like to invite you to a briefing held by PwC on the following topics:

1. The New Enhanced Tier Fund Scheme
2. GST savings for Singapore based funds; and
3. The Singapore Limited Partnership Act.

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