IMAS 18th Regulatory Roundtable

IMAS 18th Regulatory Roundtable

4 Sep 2024

The IMAS Regulatory Committee invites you to the IMAS 18th Regulatory Roundtable.

Date: Wednesday, 4 September 2024 
Time: 2:00pm – 5:30pm (SGT) 
Location: Fullerton Fund Management Office, 3 Fraser St, #09-28, DUO Tower, Singapore 189352

The Roundtable serves as an interactive session for members to exchange their ideas and opinions on pertinent regulatory, legal, or compliance issues. This year, the following financial regulatory areas will be discussed:

  • MAS Guidelines on Fair Dealing: The publication of the revised set of MAS Guidelines on Fair Dealing on 30 May 2024 introduced substantial changes, and notably its scope and coverage, which now apply to all financial institutions and all products and services offered to customers, including non-retail customers of these financial institutions. The Guidelines were updated with the objective of raising fair dealing standards across the board and for financial institutions to incorporate key principles of fair dealing at various states of a product’s life cycle or services offered. The presentation will address key updates and implementation challenges, including:
    1. How the Guidelines impact foreign offices and related corporations.
    2. The extent to which product manufacturers must comply.
    3. The robustness of control measures for “right of review” clauses in product/service terms.
  • Amendments to OTC Derivatives Reporting Regime: As we approach the 21 October 2024 commencement date, in-scope reporting entities are in the final stages of preparing for the amended Singapore OTC derivatives reporting regime. The re-write of the OTC reporting rules are intended to facilitate the global standardisation and harmonisation of reportable data elements. The MAS has also been progressively updating its FAQs to address common questions including information fields for collateral and margin, position reporting. Insights and commonly raised questions will be discussed during the presentation.

We are pleased to have Regina Liew and Benjamin Liew, Partners from the Financial Institutions Group, Rajah & Tann Singapore to take us through the presentation and share insights from their firm’s engagements with clients. During the breakout session, the Rajah & Tann team will also facilitate discussions among the participants for a deeper dive into these pertinent topics.   

Breakout Group Discussion

  • MAS Guidelines on Fair Dealing
    • Putting in place sound and objective assessments to ensure fair dealing (Outcome 1) 
    • Designing and manufacturing suitable products and services (Outcome 2) 
    • Providing accurate product disclosures and exercising right of review clauses (Outcome 4) 
  • OTC Derivatives Reporting Regime
    • Tackling the final implementation challenges

If you have any queries, please contact the IMAS Secretariat at +65 6223 9353 or at

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