IMAS Lunchtime Talk: Exploring Best Practices in Risk and Performance Management for Fund Management Companies

IMAS Lunchtime Talk: Exploring Best Practices in Risk and Performance Management for Fund Management Companies

3 Oct 2016

In June 2016, IMAS conducted a Survey to better understand the level of sophistication of investment risk management, performance measurement and reporting, the status in compliance with best practices, and the extent of risk systems, monitoring and management processes. This similar Survey was also conducted in 2011 and 2014.  The results have been tabulated and analysed, and the IMAS Risk and Performance Committee is pleased to present the key findings of this Survey.

These findings may be useful to attendees to benchmark their own processes and provide insights into improving their risk and performance management approaches.

Date: 3 October 2016, Monday
Time: 11:45am to 2:00pm
Venue: PricewaterhouseCoopers
8 Cross Street
PwC Building
Room W28, Level 17
Singapore 048424
Registration Fee: Complimentary for IMAS members

A light lunch will be provided at 11:45am.  The Talk will start at 12:30pm sharp.

This Talk is exclusive to IMAS members only. If you would like to attend this IMAS Lunchtime Talk, please register with us at

Due to seating constraints, registrations will be on a first-come, first-served basis, subject to three (03) registrations per company.

Please click here for the presentation slides.

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