IMAS Lunchtime Talk: Responsible Investment – A Matter of Principles

IMAS Lunchtime Talk: Responsible Investment – A Matter of Principles

18 Nov 2016

Investment managers are essentially stewards taking care of their clients’ assets, and as such, their duty is to:

·        Preserve and grow their clients’ wealth over the long term; and
·        Ensure that their clients’ wealth can be handed on to the next generation in better

Achieving these objectives requires a holistic view. Stewardship of a client’s investment is not only about financial benefit; it involves the client’s values and preferences, the investment manager’s own values, and even the situation and needs of the surrounding industry and other stakeholders. How can we take a principled, value-based approach to balance these factors and attain the best outcome for everyone?

So, please join us and register your attendance now!

Date: 18 November 2016, Friday
Time: 11.45am to 2.00pm
Venue: Thomson Reuters Auditorium
One Raffles Quay
#28-01 North Tower
Singapore 048583
Registration Fee: Complimentary for IMAS members

A light lunch will be provided at 11.45am.  The Talk will start at 12.30pm sharp.

This Talk is exclusive to IMAS members only.  If you would like to attend this IMAS Lunchtime Talk, please provide us with your designation, contact number and email address and send it to

Please click <here> for the presentation file.

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3 Phillip Street
Royal Group Building #07-01
Singapore 048693

Tel: +65 6223 9353
Fax: +65 6223 9352