IMAS Lunchtime Talk Series: Disclosure Regime for Substantial Shareholders Under the Securities and Futures Act

IMAS Lunchtime Talk Series: Disclosure Regime for Substantial Shareholders Under the Securities and Futures Act

12 Oct 2012

With effect from 19 November 2012, the notification regime for substantial shareholders of a corporation listed on the SGX-ST will be migrated from the Companies Act to the Securities and Futures Act (the “SFA”), in prescribed notification forms. Corresponding notification requirements for REITs listed on the SGX-ST and business trusts listed on the SGX-ST will also be consolidated and streamlined under the SFA.

The panel of speakers, Karen Tiah, Wong Sook Ping and Adrian Ang, from Allen & Gledhill LLP will highlight the main changes to the notification regime, with particular emphasis on its applicability to fund managers.

So register your attendance now!

Date: 12 October 2012, Friday
Time: 11.45am to 2.00pm
Venue: Allen & Gledhill Auditorium
One Marina Boulevard #30-00
Singapore 018989
Registration Fee:

Complimentary for IMAS members

A light lunch will be provided at 11.45am. The Talk will start at 12.30pm sharp.

This Talk is exclusive to IMAS members only. If you would like to attend this IMAS Lunchtime Talk, please register with us at

Due to seating constraint, registrations will be on a first-come, first-served basis, subject strictly to 2 registrations per company.

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