IMAS Lunchtime Talk Series: EU Regulations Impacting Investment Management and Funds

IMAS Lunchtime Talk Series: EU Regulations Impacting Investment Management and Funds

29 Apr 2015

The industry has entered a new era of regulatory clarity and the implementation phase has started. However, its growing stature in the global economy means it is under the regulatory spotlight and there is greater coherence among regulators worldwide. In this Talk, KPMG will give an update of the EU Regulatory Pipeline (2015-2017) covering AIFMD, MiFID II, EMIR and developments in UCITS and NBNI G-SIFIs, impacting non-EU managers.

So, join us and register your attendance now!

Date: 29 April 2015, Wednesday
Time: 11.45am to 2.00pm
Venue: Thomson Reuters Auditorium
One Raffles Quay
#28-01 North Tower
Singapore 048583
Registration Fee: Complimentary for IMAS members

A light lunch will be provided at 11.45am. The Talk will start at 12.30pm sharp.

This Talk is exclusive to IMAS members only. If you would like to attend this IMAS Lunchtime Talk, please register with us at

Due to seating constraints, registrations will be on a first-come, first-served basissubject to three (03) registrations per company.

Please click here for the presentation slides. 

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