IMAS Lunchtime Talk Series: Smart Beta 2.0

IMAS Lunchtime Talk Series: Smart Beta 2.0

27 Nov 2013

Recent years have seen increasing interest in new forms of indexation, referred to as Smart Beta strategies. Investors are attracted by their performance compared to the traditional cap-weighted indices. However, by departing from cap-weighting, Smart Beta equity indices introduce new risk factors for investors. In addition, the Smart Beta market appears to be inefficient today, due to restricted access to information and lack of independent analysis.

Smart Beta 2.0 is a new approach that allows assessing and controlling systematic risk, strategy specific risk, and tracking error. It provides better building blocks for active asset allocation and portfolio construction.

So, register your attendance now! 

Date: 27 November 2013, Wednesday
Time: 11.45am to 2.00pm
Venue: Thomson Reuters Auditorium
One Raffles Quay
#28-01 North Tower
Singapore 048583  
Registration Fee: Complimentary for IMAS members

A light lunch will be provided at 11.45am. The Talk will start at 12.30pm sharp.

This Talk is exclusive to IMAS members only. If you would like to attend this IMAS Lunchtime Talk, please register with us at

Due to seating constraints, registrations will be on a first-come, first-served basissubject to four (04) registrations per company.

Please follow the steps below to download ERI Scientific Beta white paper on Smart Beta 2.0.:

  1. Go to this website
  2. Click on “Latest Publications”
  3. Go to “Smart Beta 2.0”, and click “Download”
At this website, you will also be able to put the Smart Beta 2.0 in practice by building your own benchmarks, with full and complimentary transparency on methodologies and historical information on the 2,442 indices available as of this date, plus basic analytics for risk control.

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