IMAS Members’ Networking Event

IMAS Members’ Networking Event

18 Apr 2024

IMAS held our first small group discussion with members to engage with them on a more personal level. Our Chairman, Jenny Sofian, and CEO, Carmen Wee, welcomed our members with open arms to find out from them the various industry painpoints and struggles that each organisation is facing. This was an intimate discussion that sparked many new ideas and exchanges, and IMAS is proud to be able to help facilitate these conversations with the industry. By connecting and hearing from key players in the industry, IMAS hopes to be able to make a difference by truly understanding what the industry needs.

Time  Programme
9:00am Registration & Networking

Welcome Speech

Jenny Sofian, Chairman, IMAS

 9:25am Presentation by IMAS
 10:00am Discussion and Sharing by IMAS Member Firms
 11:00am End of Event

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3 Phillip Street
Royal Group Building #07-01
Singapore 048693

Tel: +65 6223 9353
Fax: +65 6223 9352