Singapore Stewardship Principles (SSP)

Singapore Stewardship Principles (SSP)

Singapore Stewardship Principles (SSP)

The Singapore Stewardship Principles (SSP) for Responsible Investors aim to enable investors to be active and responsible shareholders. They provide a view on the activities and functions that stewards should carry out, and how these should relate to the boards and management of investee companies.

The following seven Principles provide useful guidance to responsible investors towards fostering good stewardship in discharging their responsibilities and creating sustainable long-term value for all stakeholders.

1.     Take a stand on stewardship.
2.     Know your investment.
3.     Stay active and informed.
4.     Uphold transparency in managing conflicts of interest.
5.     Vote responsibly.
6.     Set a good example.
7.     Work together.

Please click <here> for the full document.  

IMAS Support the Singapore Stewardship Principles (SSP)

The following IMAS members are proud to express their support for the SSP: 

  1. Aberdeen Asset Management Asia Limited
  2. Amansa Capital Pte. Ltd.
  3. Aviva Investors Asia Pte. Limited
  4. BlackRock (Singapore) Limited
  5. BNP Paribas Asset Management Singapore Limited
  6. BrandyWine Global Investment Management (Asia) Pte. Ltd.
  7. Daiwa Asset Management (Singapore) Ltd
  8. Daiwa SB Investments (Singapore) Ltd
  9. Eastspring Investments Singapore Ltd
  10. Fidelity International
  11. First State Investments (Singapore)
  12. Firth Investment Management Pte. Ltd.
  13. Fullerton Fund Management Company Ltd
  14. Goldman Sachs Asset Management (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.
  15. Henderson Global Investors (Singapore) Limited
  16. HSBC Global Asset Management (Singapore) Ltd
  17. Investec Asset Management Singapore Pte Ltd
  18. JPMorgan Asset Management (Singapore) Limited
  19. Natixis Asset Management Global Distribution
  20. New Silk Road Investment Pte Ltd
  21. Nikko Asset Management Asia Limited
  22. Nippon Life Global Investors Singapore Limited
  23. NN Investment Partners (Singapore) Ltd
  24. Nomura Asset Management Singapore Limited
  25. Principal Global Investors (Singapore) Pte Ltd
  26. RHB Asset Management Pte Ltd
  27. Schroder Investment Management (Singapore) Ltd
  28. Templeton Asset Management Ltd
  29. Tokio Marine Asset Management International Pte Ltd
  30. UOB Asset Management Ltd
  31. UOB-SM Asset Management Pte Ltd
  32. Western Asset Management Company Pte Ltd

Please click <here> for the Statement of Support form. 

Click <here> for the complete list of Singapore organisations who have affirmed their support for the SSP.

Contact Us
3 Phillip Street
Royal Group Building #07-01
Singapore 048693

Tel: +65 6223 9353
Fax: +65 6223 9352